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Hey everyone!

I’m excited to share with you a yummy recipe AND a Fit Life problem solver…

How to increase your energy + curb your sweet tooth!

One of the healthy snacks that I absolutely love are fat bombs. Now you may feel a bit weary about these given that they're primarily fat (coconut cream and shredded coconut), but hear me out. Fat doesn't make you fat. Sugar does. And I lean on these beauties to keep my blood sugar levels stable so I don't kill a small village when I'm hangry, and these give me the "umph" I need before a workout. I've pumped up the protein count in this recipe by adding in a plant based protein powder that adds not just protein, but delicious all-natural vanilla flavor.

From a nutritional standpoint, here are some benefits to fat bombs:

*Fat is the preferred source of fuel by the body. Contrary to popular belief, the body only requires a small amount of glucose (sugar) to function.

*Fats are an essential nutrient for the body. It insulates our internal organs, improves neurological function and coats our nerves. And you'll know if your nervous system has been taxed if you're easily startled or sensitive to noise.

*Fat, like protein helps to stabilize blood sugar preventing you from being hungry and increasing your stress hormones

Now this isn't to say to load up on fat bombs if your diet is already poor. If you're consuming a processed foods diet then this will only add insult to injury since fat is a carrier for many nutrients into the cell. So instead consume a diet with adequate amounts of protein, veggies, low glycemic index fruits like berries, pears and add in fermented foods to give your gut some love.

No- Bake Coconut Protein Balls

3 Ingredients:

*8.5 oz Coconut Cream

*4 cups Shredded Coconut

*4 Scoops of Vanilla Plant-based Protein Powder (No, they're not all created equal. Click here if you’d like to know what I recommend.)


1. Open a can or pack of Coconut Cream. Whisk until smooth.

2. Add Vanilla protein powder and whisk until the mixture becomes smooth.

3. Add shredded coconut and mix well until the mixture is solid with no lumps.

4. Form ~ 24 balls

5. Roll the balls in shredded coconut and let chill in the fridge for 1 hour.

I'm so excited for you to try these! Let me know what you think. Having healthy treats around makes living a Fit Life so much more Fab, don't you think?

Have a Fit and Fabulous day,


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